Restoring St. Andrews Church: The Story of The Working centre emergency shelter
Emergency Shelter at St. Andrews
After the Men's Shelter was shut down in 2021, St. Andrews Church in Kitchener generously opened its doors to provide a safe haven for the homeless. The Working Centre and Major Decorating stepped in to help the church comply with all the necessary fire codes and building standards for the temporary shelter. However, when the shelter was no longer needed, it was time to restore the church to its original condition.
Exterior Shelter Modifications
Major Decorating and The Working Centre were responsible for returning the church to its former state. This included removing the temporary walls that were installed to create separate sleeping areas, dismantling the kitchen that was set up to feed the residents, and cleaning up the entire space. The team at Major Decorating and The Working Centre worked efficiently to ensure that the church was ready for its regular use as a place of worship as soon as possible.
The story of The Working Centre Emergency Shelter at St. Andrews Church is a testament to the importance of community support and collaboration. By coming together to create a safe space for those in need, and then restoring the space to its original purpose, we can make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.